Natural Disaster Preparedness with Pets

We’ve all seen it on the news, natural disasters happening every day separating owners from their pets in emergency situations. Planning ahead to accommodate your pet in your evacuation plans is key for a safer experience for everyone.

Have an essential pet first aid kit, including:

  • Fresh bottled water.
  • Several days’ supply of food.
  • Important phone numbers (veterinarian, family, etc.)
  • List of pet-friendly emergency shelters.
  • Identification and a copy of recent medical records.
  • Recent photo of your pet and ID collar with contact information.
  • Refer to our blog, Create a Pet First Aid Kit for more essential first aid items.

Prepare a checklist of everyday items to grab and go, including:

  • Leashes, collars and a crate.
  • Medications your pet may require.
  • Comfort items from home for your pet.
  • Litter, piddle pads and trash bags.

Planning ahead can save valuable time and confusion. Everything ready to go, be sure there is plenty of room in your vehicle for your pets and their gear if you need to flee your home at a moment’s notice.

Everyone packed up in the car, but do you know where you are heading? Is it pet-friendly? Plan for a family member or friend or emergency shelter who will welcome you and your pet in case of an evacuation in your area.

Natural disasters can be unpredictable. Best to be prepared and keep everyone in your family safe.

Written by: Monica Blanchard, RVT