Why Should I License my Dog?

Moncton City Dog Licenses expire on December 31st and must be renewed. In exchange for a fee, each dog is given a license tag to display on their collar. But why should you license your dog?

  1. It’s Easy. As with most things these days, a city license can be purchased on the Moncton SPCA website (monctonspca.ca) and mailed out to you. Licenses can also be purchased at the SPCA shelter, from city hall, directly from an animal control officer, or here at the Moncton Animal Hospital!
  2. It’s Inexpensive. A tag costs only $10 for a dog that is spayed or neutered. If your dog has not had a spay/neuter surgery the cost of the tag increases to $20. Dogs under 4 months old are not required to have a license.
  3. It’s the Law. The City of Moncton Bylaw H-202 requires that any dog living within the city limits must wear a current tag. Owners who choose to not purchase a license can be fined from $50 to $1070!
  4. It Helps Lost Pets Get Back Home. Each tag has a number that is specific to the animal. If little Fluffy gets away from you and is picked up by Animal Control or brought into the shelter it can be identified and returned home to you quickly.
  5. It Supports Your Local Shelter. The money collected from the sale of licenses goes to the Moncton SPCA and is used to operate the shelter, find adoptive families, and reunite lost pets with their owners.
  6. It Keeps Your Dog’s Rabies Vaccines Current. Your dog must be up to date on its vaccines, specifically Rabies. As this is a virus that can affect people, it is good to know that all licensed dogs cannot contract this disease. If your dog is younger than 4 months of age it is not required to have its Rabies vaccine yet or to be licensed.

Written by Katie Hatcher, RVT