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Cat Dental Resorption or FORL Disease
Cat Dental Resorption or FORL Disease

Cat Dental Resorption or FORL Disease

The average age for indoor cats is now 15 years! How amazing is that? Just ten years ago, our kitties were only living to 9 (years, not just lives). 

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Are Retained Deciduous Teeth Painful
Are Retained Deciduous Teeth Painful

Are Retained Deciduous Teeth Painful

Retained deciduous(Baby) teeth is a real problem in certain breeds. A retained baby tooth occurs when the baby tooth root does not resorb as they are supposed to.

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Is Your Old Cat is Still Healthy?
How to Figure out if Your Old Cat is Still Healthy

Is Your Old Cat is Still Healthy?

As cats age, they naturally begin to nap more, change their daily activity and diet patterns, and sometimes even have personality changes

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3 Reasons to Trim Your Dogs Nails
3 Painful Reasons to Trim Your Dogs Nails

3 Reasons to Trim Your Dogs Nails

Even though it can be scary, there are some important reasons to trim your dog’s nails, mainly to prevent injury.

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Are Black Cats Really Bad Luck?
Are Black Cats Really Bad Luck?

Are Black Cats Really Bad Luck?

It all started at the beginning of history in America, witches and black cats were among symbols of bad luck and could not be trusted. 

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Rabies is Here!
Rabies is Here!

Rabies is Here!

Rabies is a viral disease that affects the nervous system of mammals. This disease is deadly for wild animals, family pets and people.

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Pet Anxiety at the Vet
Pet Anxiety at the Vet

Pet Anxiety at the Vet

Does your pet suffer from anxiety at the vet? Save your pet from a traumatic experience, and let’s make it pawsitive!

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The Indoor Cat Got Outside!
The Indoor Cat Got Outside!

The Indoor Cat Got Outside!

What do you do when you discover that your cat is lost or wandered away from home? Here are a few tips for a quick and safe return of your kitty fur-friend.

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Why Should I License my Dog?
Why Should I License my Dog?

Why Should I License my Dog?

Moncton City Dog Licenses expire on December 31st and must be renewed. In exchange for a fee, each dog is given a license tag to display on their collar. 

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The Dangers of Blue-Green Algae
The Dangers of Blue-Green Algae

The Dangers of Blue-Green Algae

Due to warm temperatures, blue-green algae are collecting along the banks of ponds and water sources all across our city and surrounding areas.

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Deciding When to Euthanize
Deciding When to Euthanize Your Best Friend?

Deciding When to Euthanize

In our profession, we frequently get asked “is it time?” or “am I doing the right thing?”. It’s such a difficult question to answer as every pet and every family is unique.

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Choosing the Right Collar and Leash
Choosing the Right Collar and Leash

Choosing the Right Collar and Leash

Although they are more important than just for fashion, they have an important role in their safety when out and about in your neighbourhood.

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